Course Description

The principles of bowel preparation for patients undergoing CT colonography. For appropriate interpretation and increased sensitivity to polyp detection, colon cleansing is a necessary and important component of the examination. Special techniques and preparation are of particular importance for elderly patients and those with severe constipation.

Learning Objectives

After participating in this activity, learners should be able to:

  • Describe the structural principles of masses in the colon
  • Recognize the characteristic clinical presentations of the disease entities
  • Explain the usual diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms
  • Discuss the principles of CT Colonography
  • Recognize the indications, contraindications, advantages and disadvantages of the procedure
  • Discuss preparation of the patient for the examination
  • Describe the techniques of scanning and imaging as well as reconstruction algorithms
  • Explain the potential complications

Medlantis eLearning

Course curriculum

  • $999.00

    $999.00CE - ARRT Category A/A+ Credit

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