Interventional Radiology Patient Safety and Staff Engagement: A Collaborative Approach for Success (Safety in the IR Suite: A collaborative Approach) CEU
Nursing CEU Accredited course - 1 Credits
Patient Safety improvement in Interventional Radiology and Procedural Suites is a morale imperative for nursing leaders and staff alike. This presentation will outline the elements of a success and comprehensive patient safety and quality program. It will include actual quality and staff safety data revealing significant improvements in the 12 domains of the AHQR safety culture staff survey. It will also include lessons learned and next steps for enhancement of safety applicable to any procedural area. This will be geared to novice to expert staff and managers alike. Communication of improvement methodologies is the hallmark of a successful program and is the meaning of Kaizen. Kaizen means continuous quality improvement and is very important to building a culture where all staff are engaged, suggest and implementing improvements in a department or hospital system.
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